Front desk: +1 808 922 4646

Room to room:
Floors 1-9:   7 + room number
Floors 10+:  Room number

Bell desk: 3064

Concierge: 0

Toll-free, credit card, collect calls: There are no hotel fees for these calls

Outside calls:
Local calls, Oahu (no hotel fee): 9 + number

Long distance direct dial to neighbor islands, continental US, Canada and toll-free:
Local Calls, Oahu (no hotel fee): 9 + Number
Long Distance Direct Dial to Neighbor Islands, 
Continental US, Canada and Toll Free
Neighbor Islands:   9 + 1 + 808 + Number
Continental US:   9 + 1 + Area code + Number
Canada:   9 + 1 + Area Code + Number
Toll Free:   9 + 1 + 800 + Number OR 9 + 1 + 888 + Number (bill to guestroom; AT&T Daytime Rate)

Operator-Assisted Calls:

Neighbor Island:   9 + 0 + 808 + Number
Continental US:   9 + 0 + Area Code + Number (bill to guestroom; AT&T Daytime Rate)
International:   9 + 011 + Country Code + City Code + Number (bill to guestroom; AT&T Daytime Rate)


All Local and Continental US directory assistance calls are complimentary.

Local, Oahu:   9 + 1 + 411
Neighbor Islands:   9 + 1 + 808 + 555.1212
Continental US:   9 + 1 + Area Code + 555.1212
International:   9 + 0

Local telephone directories are available in your guestroom or at the Front Desk.

Emergency Calls

Police/Fire/Ambulance:   0

Hotel Fax:   808 923 4889
Contact our Front Desk Staff for assistance with receiving or sending a fax. Charges are based on distance and number of pages sent.

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