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Meet the Beachcomber Originals

The style and design aesthetic of our hotel has been curated by a collection of local artists and influencers to create a one-of-a-kind stay, immersing guests in the sights, sounds and tastes that are uniquely Hawaii.

Zak Noyle

@zaknoyle | One of the best extreme-surf photographers in the world; you'll find iconic underwater images shot by Zak fill the walls of every single guest room and other key on-property locales.

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@makanamusic | An internationally acclaimed musician and activist; Makana created "The New Sound of Waikiki" specifically for Waikiki Beachcomber - fresh beats playing throughout the hotel's public areas.

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Garrett Marrero

@mauigarrett| Bringing beers and cheers to Waikiki Beachcomber, Garrett is the founder and CEO of Maui Brewing Co, the hotel's anchor restaurant and recently honored as the National Small Business Person of the Year.

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Jonathan Rotmensch

@hawaiian_aroma_caffe | Owner of Hawaii's most Instagrammed coffee shop, Hawaiian Aroma Caffe at the Waikiki Beachcomber, Jonathan is the brain and lead on the Beachcomber's TOMA (Terrace of Modern Art) event series and stylish poolside parties.

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@sashaloha_ | Aloha Street Magazine Cover Girl and founder of Sasha Support Hawaii, which launched during the COVID pandemic to help promote small businesses in the islands.

Matt Bauer

@mattcbauer | Photographer, creative director, surfer and entrepreneur, Matt played an integral role in executing #WaikikiVibes through his artistic lens.

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Margo Ray

@margoshepherdray | Print, collage and installation artist; her colorful work is featured alongside an entire interior wall at the hotel's Maui Brewing Co. This 64ft mural features one of Hawaii's most beloved hula dancers, Beverly Noa.

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Vince Lim

@vincelimphoto | Renowned scenic and adventure photographer; Vince's iconic, aerial Waikiki photography can be found in every guest room at Waikiki Beachcomber.

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Erin Ibarra

@the_artery_design_co | Erin is Hawaii's "chalkboard queen," a self-taught artist and muralist, and the creator of "Elevation" - the hand-drawn Floors of Flora murals that are found by the elevator bank on each floor at the Beachcomber.

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Emma Wo

@thealohababe | Business owner, role model and content creator known as “the aloha babe;” Emma’s voice has become influential as she spends time for both work and play at the Waikiki Beachcomber.

Marques Marzan

@keahopawalu | An expert fiber artist from Kaneohe and advocate for indigenous arts and cultural practitioners, his intricate fiber (rope) art is found prominently hanging inside of Maui Brewing Co.

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Abigail Romanchak

@abigailromanchak | A celebrated printmaker, Abigail aims to empower and assert a Hawaiian sense of identity and culture through her work. Her prints add texture and grace to each guest room at Waikiki Beachcomber.

Ha'a Keaulana

@haakeaulana | Westside surfer, print artist, creator and stellar athlete; the Waikiki Beachcomber has become one of her go-to spots for a weekend getaway ideally situated next to the sea.

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