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    Ocean safety tips

    Beach safety

    Our Hawaiian islands are noted for beautiful beaches, warm clear waters and big waves. Always use caution and respect safety warnings to ensure a fun and memorable stay on the Garden Isle. 

    Playing it safe at the beach

    • A red flag flies at our beach to advise you that no lifeguards are on duty.  
    • Never turn your back on the ocean. 
    • Never body surf a wave "straight in". Instead, ride at an angle to the shoreline. 
    • Study the ocean before you enter it. Note the locations of rocks, breakers, currents and reefs. If in doubt, stay out. 
    • Enter the ocean gradually and watchfully. Breakers come in "sets" with spells of calm in between. Don't be caught off guard. 
    • Stay off the reefs. The reef is alive with microorganisms that do not survive our steps. Hazards of reef walking include coral cuts, sea urchin spines and eel bites. 
    • Duck or dive beneath breaking waves before they reach you. Do not stand in their path. Don't try to swim over them or turn your back to them. 
    • Never swim against a strong current. Check the shore to see which way the current is carrying you, then swim across the current, not into it. 
    • If in trouble, don't waste all your breath yelling for help. Save some energy to stay afloat. 
    • Never swim alone at an unfamiliar beach. Swim at supervised beaches or with other people. Ask beach attendants or experienced swimmers about the safety of a place before you enter the water. 
    • Know your limits. Don't let others dare you into the surf if you aren't sure you can handle yourself in it. 


    See more ocean safety tips

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