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Discover the history and culture of our resort

The Kona coast is home to many interesting historic sites, including the King Kamehameha III birthplace marker and a carefully restored temple (heiau). Visit the Lekeleke Burial Grounds, where ancient Hawaiian kapu warriors were laid to rest after a fierce battle in 1819.

Cultural tour map

OKR Cultural Walking Tour Map.jpg

  1. Ka uku laelae point
  2. Remnant portion of Kaukulaelae Heiau
  3. Pōhaku pele (bell stone)
  4. Nohona a pā pipi (dwelling site/cattle pen)
  5. Kūula 
  1. Hālau wa'a (canoe shed) 
  2. Kahua hale
  3. Kanikani ka 'ula heiau 
  4. Kāheka (salt pan)
  5. Moku kani ka 'ula rock 



1. BM-9.20.54 HK-LHK
2. CHW-6.2003
3. CHW-6.2003 LHK
4. WH-1989 CHW-6.2003 LHK
5. BM-9.20.54 HK
6. CHW-6.2003 LHK
7. CHW-6.2003 JR-1930
8. BM-9.20.54 HK 2008 LHK
9. CHW-6.2003
10. BM-9.20.54 HK