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    Top 3 Live Video Segments

    Have you caught our Facebook live videos? We make these #AlohaFridayLive segments every Friday. It's our way of sharing a slice of paradise with you from all of the iconic beachfront destinations that we have resorts and hotels in.

    If you’re just catching up, make sure you check out the three listed below. They were taken from high above Waikiki Beach, at the new International Market Place in Waikiki, and on the isle of Mauritius, respectively. They were our top viewed in 2017, so clearly our fans love ‘em. We hope you will, too.

    1) How do you like that view from Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort?! Check it out yourself HERE!


    2) The time has come for a happy hour hop around at the International Market Place (next door to Waikiki Beachcomber by Outrigger). Click HERE to view!

    Facebook Live Video 


    3) Welcome to Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort. Click HERE to view!

    Facebook Live Video 

    Is there something YOU want to see on #AlohaFridayLive? Drop us a note on Facebook. We’d love to hear from you.

    Your next vacation awaits.