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    Your Trip Summary
    Surf tour cultural activity

    Extraordinary resort experiences

    Complimentary for our guests
    Experience Hawaii

    Cultural activities

    We invite you to experience what makes our property a special place. Our complimentary cultural activities offer a glimpse into Hawaii's rich heritage. Practice easy traditional crafts, learn the rhythms of the islands, and listen to master artists tell their stories through songs.

    Weekly guest activities calendar
    Hawaiian Vow Renewal

    Fall in love all over again. Renew your vows on the shimmering sands of Waikiki Beach with a traditional Hawaiian ceremony. Performed weekly, complimentary for guests.

    Mondays & Thursdays at 8 am
    Alii Deck (beachfront by the pool)
    Reserve your spot: coordinator@wedhawaii.com

    Pua Hakima

    Decorate your very own melia (plumeria) flower hair accessory. Discover the hidden meaning behind which ear you wear your pua hakima over.

    Hawaiian Name Tag

    How do you say your name in Hawaiian? Find out as you create a decoerative name tag using the 13 letters in olelo Hawaii (Hawaiian language). 

    Kukui Kupee

    Ornament your wrist as you create a signature bracelet using polished kukui (candlenut tree) nuts. This keepsake is yours to remember your visit to our graceful shores.

    Surf Tour

    Learn about the history of surfing, the life of legendary surfer Duke Kahanamoku, and the tales behind the surfing artifacts on display. 

    Ti-Leaf kupee

    Twist lai (ti leaves) to create an authentic kupee (bracelet). In the Hawaiian culture, ti leaves have the power to ward off bad spirits and invite in good spirits. 

    Hawaiian woodcarving workshop

    Watch a master craftsman use chisel and mallet to transform wood into traditional Hawaiian statues. With every chip of wood, the story is revealed. 

    Lei Making

    String together fresh flowers to create your very own lei. A symbol of love, friendship and celebration, giving a handmade lei is the island way. 

    Hula lesson

    More than a dance, hula tells the story of Hawaii's ancestral knowledge. Immerse yourself in this beautiful art form that captures the true essence of Hawaii.

    Hawaiian tattoo

    Adorn your body with kakau or Hawaiian tattoos. Unlike the traditional method of cutting skin and adding ash to the wound, you'll be treated to a painless removable tattoo. 

    Ukulele lesson

    Try your hand at Hawaii's most beloved instrument. Hear happy notes spring from the ukulele as you play your first song. Every strum will make you smile. 

    Your next vacation awaits.