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    Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

    Eruptions at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

    See Active Eruptions at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

    Discover the dramatic, rugged, and active landscape of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Island of Hawaii. The national park is home to the active Kīlauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, which erupt periodically with glowing lava flows. The youngest and most active volcano on Hawaiʻi, Kīlauea has an active summit caldera with lava lake-style eruptions. The OUTRIGGER Kona Resort and Spa is about 75 miles from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

    The largest volcano on the planet, Mauna Loa is made up of a summit caldera called Moku‘āweoweo and three rift zones and has not erupted since 1984. Explore the Kahuku Unit, a rolling, pastoral landscape on the slopes of Mauna Loa and a place of dynamic volcanism, natural beauty, and the island's rich ranching heritage.

    Hawaii Volcanoes National Park offers several hiking trails, including the Crater Rim Trail that traverses the summit caldera of Kīlauea and offers dramatic views, steam vents, and amazing plant life. The Kahuku Unit offers beautiful day hike trails through old ranches, meadows and lava flows and a pristine rainforest.

    Tour the Crater Rim Drive, which passes steam vents and the Jaggar Museum showcasing volcanology exhibits and a viewpoint overlooking Halema'uma'u Crater. Explore the Chain of Craters Road through the coastal region of the park. Hike a coastal trail across lava field to the Puʻuloa Petroglyphs - the largest group of petroglyphs in Hawaii.



    • Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Kahuku Unit is open 9 am - 4 pm.


    • $30.00 per non-commercial vehicle (capacity 15 or less) - 7 days
    • $15.00 per pedestrian or bicycle - 7 days
    • $25.00 per motorcycle - 7 days
    • $55.00 Hawaii Tri-park Annual Pass


    • Crater Rim Drive Tour
    • Chain of Craters Road Tour
    • Active Volcanoes
    • Lava Flows
    • Day Hiking
    • Helicopter Tours
    • Kahaku Unit
    • Puʻuloa Petroglyphs

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park has two active volcanoes - Kīlauea and Mauna Loa - which erupt periodically. You can see a spectacular new eruption at the summit of Kīlauea volcano, with billowing gas plumes and steam by day and the glowing lava within the crater after dark. The best places to see the eruption include Kīlauea Overlook, Wahinekapu (Steaming Bluff), Uēkahuna, Keanakākoʻi, Kūpinaʻi Pali (Waldron Ledge), and overlooks along Crater Rim Trail.

    Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park is a magical landscape of active volcanoes, moonlike craters, lava fields, trails, and dramatic Island of Hawaii scenery. This Hawaiian treasure showcases the power of volcanoes and how they shape the land and rewrite human story. The park features active volcanoes, including Mauna Loa, the largest volcano on earth, and rare ecosystems and plant life.

    You can see glowing lava at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park when the volcanoes are actively erupting, which occurs periodically. When it's dark you can see the red fiery glow. You can also hike through the park and see lava fields and lakes.

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