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    Sunrise Shack Smoothie Bowl Recipe | Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort Back to all stories

    Smoothie Crush

    A fruity, creamy smoothie brings the smoothness of Pacific waves to your core. It can be enjoyed as your take-on-the-world elixir every morning, and having a go-to smoothie recipe full of energy-infused natural ingredients is essential for year-round summer vibes.

    One of our favorite places for fab smoothies is the Sunrise Shack located in the Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort. The Sunrise Shack menu is also full of treats offering natural, energy-boosting ingredients—from the bulletproof coffee to the Insta-worthy bowls with fresh, tropical fruits keep surfers and sunbathers lining up day after day.

    The Sunrise Shack was originally founded on a plumeria farm in the North Shore of Oahu by three brothers: Travis, Alex and Koa Smith, along with their friend, Koa Rothman. If you're up to speed with pro surfing, you know that all four are celebrated surfers. In fact, you can watch the model-slash-bodyboarder of the bunch, Travis, give a tour of what has become North Shore's cutest café stand in our Surfers in Residence series—including a sneak peek at making their famous organic bulletproof coffees.

    While Sunrise Shack's top-secret smoothie recipes are kept under wraps, we've managed to whip up a copycat that recreates the flavor and vibe of the smoothies that have sparked a thousand cravings on Instagram. More satisfying than a sip-only smoothie, this fruit-packed wonder with a little crunch is good enough to spoon! And it gets extra points as a crowd-pleasing treat for all because it's dairy-free and gluten-free.

    Here's the recipe: 
    Sunrise Shack-Inspired Smoothie Bowl
    • ½ cup frozen organic banana slices or one small banana. You can use 2 if you really love banana flavor. 
    • 1 packet organic frozen acai berry packet 
    • ½ cup organic almond milk with no added sugar

    Blend together and scoop into a bowl. Top with organic, gluten-free granola and any fresh, local, seasonal fruit.

    When you get to Oahu, find your way to Sunrise Shack Waikiki at our own Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort, or take a journey to the North Shore to check out the original at Sunset Beach. And don't forget to follow the Sunrise Shack on Insta for frequent updates and oh-so-gorgeous smoothie bowl inspo. 



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