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    Select dates
    March 2025
    April 2025
    • No Check-in
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    Your Trip Summary


    Dives (per dive) Pricing (USD)
    1 - 5 dives 95
    6 - 9 dives 90
    10 or more 85
    Guided house reef shore dive 65
    Early manta dive supplement 65


    Equipment rental (per dive) Pricing USD
    Full gear (BCD, regulator, computer, wetsuit) 25
    One item (BCD, regulator, computer, wetsuit) 10
    Night dive supplement / torch rental 50
    Camera rental 80
    15 L cylinder 10


    Refresher session Pricing USD
    Price includes all equipment and one dive
    Required for certified divers with 1 year or more since the last dive


    Privatize your session Pricing USD
    Private guide (per dive / session) 250
    Private courses Price on request


    Snorkeling Pricing USD
    Manta quest (3 hours)* 195
    Whale shark quest (3 hours)* 195
    Nurse shark quest (3 hours)* 275
    Turtle snorkeling quest (90 minutes)* 120


    Cruise and fishing Pricing USD
    Dolphin quest (90 minutes)* 110
    Local island visit  65
    Private sunset cruise (60 minutes)
    Includes 1 bottle of wine and canapes
    Maldivian sunset fishing (2 hours )* 110


    Camera rental Pricing USD
    Price rental per excursion 80


    * Children discount

    • 0-2 years free of charge
    • 3-11 years 50%
    • 12+ years full price

    Catamaran Pricing USD
    Lesson 60 minutes (max 2 guests, price per person) 90
    Sailing 60 minutes (max 2 guests)* 135
    Sandbank sailing 90 minutes (max 2 guests)* 195


    Glass kayak Pricing USD
    Lagoon ren (max 60 minutes) 60
    Guided eco-tour (max 60 minutes) 80
    Guided sunset tour (max 60 minutes) 100


    Windsurf (per person) Pricing USD
    Lesson (60 minutes) 80
    Ride (60 minutes) Complimentary


    Ocean kayak (colored) Pricing USD
    Rent (max 60 minutes)  Complimenary


    Stand up paddle Pricing USD
    Rent (max 60 minutes) Complimentary


    * Sunset supplement apply after 17:00, $65 USD

    Prices are for a max of 4 guests

    Private big game fishing Pricing USD
    Full day (05:30 am to 13:30 pm, 8 hours) 1,600
    Half day (05:30 am to 09:30 pm, 4 hours) 1,100


    Prices are for a max of 6 guests

    Private sunset fishing Pricing USD
    17:30 to 19:30 (2 hours) 750


    Price for additional guests per person - $100 USD

    Beginner PADI courses Pricing USD
    Bubblemaker (8 and 9 years old)* 130
    Discover scuba diving* 195
    Repeat discover scuba diving* 150
    Scuba diver (2 dives)*^ 650
    Open water diver (4 dives)*^ 950
    Open water diver & nitrox specialty (5 dives)*^ 1,150
    Upgrade from scuba diver to open water diver*^ 650


    Higher PADI courses Pricing USD
    Adventure dive 150
    Advanced open water (5 dives)^ 850
    Advanced open water & nitrox specialty (5 dives)^ 1,000
    Rescue diver 850
    Emergency first response 250


    PADI specialty courses (others on request) Pricing USD
    Enriched air diver - nitrox (2 dives)^ 350
    Deep specialty (4 dives)^ 450


    * Price includes all equipment, training and certification
    ^ Self-purchase e-Learning gets $100 discount on the course price 

    Parasailing (15 minutes) Pricing USD
    Single flight 130
    Tandem flight (max 160kg)* 240


    Wakeboard/waterski/kneeboard Pricing USD
    Session (30 minutes)* 70
    Lesson (45 minutes) 90


    Fun ride (15 minutes) Pricing USD
    Single ride* 80
    Double ride* 115
    Triple ride* 150
    Quadruple ride* 180


    Jetski (per jetski) Pricing USD
    Ride (30 minutes)* 195
    Atoll discovery (60 minutes)* 295
    Ride and snorkeling (90 minutes)* 450


    iAqua (per person) Pricing USD
    15 minutes rental* 80
    30 minutes rental* 135
    45 minutes rental* 175


    * Sunset supplement apply after 17:00, $65 USD

    Prices are per person

    Snorkel Pricing USD
    Guided house reef snorkel (60 minutes) 60
    Night snorkel (60 minutes) 125
    Snorkel lessons (30 minutes) 50

      1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours
    Speed boat (2 guests) 300 550 850 1,000
    Parasailing boat (2 guests) 400 750 925 1,300
    Dhoni (6 guests) 500 900 1,300 1,700
    Gulf Craft (6 guests) 600 1,000 1,500 2,000


    Price for additional guests per person, per hour - $80 USD

    Scuba packages

    The scuba packages are valid from June to September. You must purchase your package at check in and use it during your stay. Price are per person and non-refundable.

    Not including equipment Pricing USD
    5 dives package 400
    10 dives package 750
    15 dives package 1,050
    20 dives package 1,300


    Including equipment Pricing USD
    5 dives package 500
    10 dives package 900
    15 dives package 1,275
    20 dives package 1,600


    House reef shore dive Pricing USD
    1 guided shore dive 65


    The specials are valid from June to September. You must purchase your special at check in and use it during your stay. Price are for 2 guests and non-refundable.

    Romantic escape - $700 USD

    • 1 hour private boat excursion
    • Discover scuba diving
    • 1 hour glass kayak rental

    Water splash - $440 USD

    • 30 minutes Jetski
    • 15 minutes fun tube ride
    • 15 minutes iAqua

    Cultural immersion - $535 USD

    • Maldivian sunset fishing (2 hours)
    • Local island visit (2 hours)
    • Turtle snorkeling (90 minutes)



    All prices are in US Dollars and subject to 10% service charge and government taxes. Subject to change without notice. 

    Your next vacation awaits.