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    Ocean Conservation - The Outrigger ZONE Back to all stories

    Conservation Goes Chic: 6 Supercool Ways to Save Our Coral Reefs

    One of the ocean's most beautiful and hard-working animals? Coral reefs. These "rainforests of the sea" are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth, providing protective habitat for thousands of species of fish and sea life—and providing food for more than 500 million humans worldwide.

    But these multi-hued powerhouses are disappearing at an alarming rate: In just 20 years, 70 to 90 percent of our coral reefs will disappear. The good news? There are things you can do right now to help. We've rounded up some cool (and Insta-worthy) ways to help save these stunning creatures this summer, all while having a little eco-conscious fun.

    1. Pop into a Pop-up Coral Reef

    Get up close and personal with all things coral during intimate Waikiki Aquarium pop-ups at two of our Outrigger resorts. The Aquarium is a pioneer in coral cultivation and a must-stop on any Oahu stay, and these offsite pop-ups give guests a one-of-a-kind coral experience. 

    Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort; 1st and 3rd Monday in June + Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort; 2nd and 4th Monday in June

    Ocean Conservation - The Outrigger ZONE

    2. Go Coral-colored Cocktailing

    Sip your way to supporting coral reefs against a backdrop of live local music with our specially curated Coral Reef cocktails benefitting Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii.  

    Kani Ka Pila Grille, Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach + Hawaiian Aroma Caffe, Waikiki Beachcomber by Outrigger; Daily throughout June 

    Ocean Conservation - The Outrigger ZONE

    3. Shop Eco-Chic 

    Style and sustainability are (thankfully) no longer mutually exclusive. From reclaimed-plastic boardies to fair-trade, organic denim from Kelly Slater's Outerknown, some of the hottest new brands are embracing both. 

    4. Design Your Own Rope-Art Bracelet

    Make your own sustainable kai kupe'e bracelet from salvaged fishing ropes and recycled microplastics. Inspired by artworks on display at Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach from marine scientist turned artist Ethan Estess, the bracelets are the perfect way to, well, turn trash into treasure—and to create a style-meets-substance souvenir you'll actually want to wear.

    Outrigger Reef and Outrigger Waikiki; Thursdays and Saturdays in June 

    5. Un-Pollute Your Personal Care

    Hawaii is leading the way with a ban on sunscreens that contain harmful chemicals that contaminant coral reefs, but it's less-known that daily personal care products like shampoos and lotions can be harmful, too. Take a moment to research your soon-to-be-favorite sea-friendly beauty brands that keep skin and hair smooth—and protect our coral reefs.

    Ocean Conservation - The Outrigger ZONE

    6. Stay Eco-Luxe (and Win!)

    Just by staying at an Outrigger resort, you're saying yes to saving our oceans. Since 2014, we're proud to have been at the forefront of both coral and eco conservation with our OZONE initiative, from complimentary All Good reef-safe sunscreen for each guest to preserving, protecting and planting more than 100 football fields of coral since we launched.

    And now you can help raise awareness for coral conservation and have the chance to win a 5-night luxury resort package on us in our Caring for Our Coral Reefs Sweepstakes—with helicopter rides, airfare, sunset catamaran rides, VIP Voyager Club access and more (yes, really!).

    Your chance to "care and win" ends June 20, so get started now (it's easy!), and check out other ways to help save our coral reefs —we can't host you soon!

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