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    Kani Ka Pila Grille - Top 5 Facebook Live videos - Live Hawaiian Music Back to all stories

    Top 5 LIVE Hawaiian Music Concerts

    Music soothes the soul and heals the heart. And during this time of uncertainty, we all need a bit of that.

    So we're honored to bring the music of Hawaii to homes around the world with nightly jam sessions from award-winning artists who traditionally performed at the Kani Ka Pila Grille pool bar, located at the Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort.

    We turned the nightly music lineup into a virtual jam in March, not realizing that the response would be so incredibly positive. Now, every night, tens of thousands of viewers tune in from across the globe. There’s even a “virtual tip jar” within the comments section on each performance raise funds for the artists. 

    The core lineup is included below with variations from week-to-week and special guests such as Bobby Moderow, Nathan Aweau, Kawika Kahiapo, Mark Yamanaka, Ho’okena, Sean Na'auao and more.

    If you’re just tuning in, make sure to catch up on our top 5 live concerts, as voted on by our fans.

    1. Mark Yamanaka

    In a clear crowd favorite, award-winning solo musician Mark Yamanaka performed live from his backyard in Hilo, Hawaii. Turn up the volume and listen to these Big Island Vibes.

    Mark Yamanaka - live Hawaiian music

    2. Bobby Moderow

    Bobby Moderow is one of our weekly performers, going live every Monday night. His shows always draw a crowd, and his virtual Hawaiian music concerts are no different. Shares the sounds and feels of Hawaii in his own backyard on Oahu.
    Bobby Moderow - live Hawaiian music

    3. Kawika Kahiapo

    This iconic slack key musician is another weekly staple in our live lineup. Kawaika Kapiapo’s most popular performance (so far) was straight from his backyard in Waimanalo, Oahu.

    Kawika Kahiapo - live Hawaiian music

    4. Weldon Kekauoha

    Weldon Kekeauoha is a Hawaiian multi-instrumentalist and vocalist from Nuuanu, Oahu. Tune in to this breathtaking performance and see why he’s among our Facebook fan favorites.
    Weldon Kekauoha

    5. Kupaoa

    This husband and wife duo was our very first Kani Ka Pila talent search winner back in 2008. Since then, Kupaoa has received multiple Na Hoku Hanohano awards. Here they are, playing together live from Kilauea, Kauai.

    Kupaoa - Live Hawaiian Music

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