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    Kani Ka Pila Grille - Talent Search - Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort Back to all stories

    Outrigger Resorts Knows that Hawaii's Got Talent

    On Oahu, where Kani Ka Pila means “a gathering around music,” Outrigger Resorts simultaneously embraces Waikiki warmth and island cool. Known for championing events and artists across the spectrum, from top chefs taking the stage to its Beachcomber Originals connection with local artists, Outrigger Resorts is all about the arts. 

    “Outrigger’s commitment to Hawaiian arts and culture remains steadfast and we’re honored to offer opportunities for Hawaii’s rising musicians,” said Kelly Hoen, area general manager of Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort and Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort

    The 12th Annual Kani Ka Pila Grille Talent Search is the latest addition, attracting up-and-coming traditional, popular, and cutting-edge contemporary Hawaiian music artists—a sort of musical showcase in paradise as a mini-Hawaii's Got Talent or Hawaii X Factor. 

    The Oahu event is part of the Made in Hawaii Festival that will be on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.—and this year, you can see and listen to the winners without boarding a flight. This is the opportunity to experience the tropical allure of the Aloha State and its stunning scenery, enhanced by authentic music from the islands.  

    The competition's cool factor is upped a few notches by a distinguished judging panel of Hawaiian music industry professionals that includes Bobby Moderow, a Grammy Award nominee and a Na Hoku Hanohano award winner and Maunalua member. He is joined by three other judges: Kawika Kahiapo, Na Hoku Hanohano award winner;  Luana Maitland, music director, Kani Ka Pila Grille; and Jon Ross, MELE Audio Engineering faculty at Honolulu Community College. 

    Audiences will appreciate the exceptional talent these judges spot during the Kani Ka Pila Grille Talent Search after five finalists are chosen to advance. Following two weeks spent perfecting their acts, the top island musicians will perform via live-streaming on Aug. 22, 2020 for the perfect music-from-paradise virtual show. 

    Even better, there's a chance to applaud the winning artist or group in person, as they'll receive a paid contract with the Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort Kani Ka Pila Grille to present four performances in 2021. Until then, the winning artist will be perfecting their studio skills for a recording session that comes with the top prize. 

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