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    coral cocktail drinks recipe guide Back to all stories

    Drink Tropical Cocktails. Save the Coral Reefs.

    Well, if that line didnā€™t hook you - what will? (Seriously, send us a message on Facebook - weā€™d like to know what weā€™re missing.) 

    World Oceans Day is June 8 and weā€™re going all in! For not just one day, but an entire month. Of cocktails. 

    In honor of Pantone's Color of the Year, Living Coral, toast to reef health with a coral cocktail at your favorite Outrigger destination all throughout June and proceeds will benefit local conservation groups.

    We couldnā€™t even keep the excitement to ourselves, so weā€™re sharing some of our favorite tropical recipes with you! You can even find more here.


    The Clean Wave
    Served at Maui Brewing Co. within the Waikiki Beachcomber by Outrigger
    2 strawberry pieces 
    3 pineapple pieces
    Both muddled
    2 oz Kapena lihing Mui infused tequila
    1/2 oz Chili pepper infused AVIATION gin
    One dash Angostura bitters
    2 dashes Peychauds  bitters
    Shake all together and strain over rocks in an old fashioned glass.
    Top with 1 oz MBC draft ginger beer 
    Garnish with a lemon twist

    The Ehukai
    Served at The Reef Bar & Market Grill within the Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort
    6 lime wedges
    3 blueberries
    Both muddled
    1.5 oz Kohana Rum
    1.5 oz. simple syrup
    Dash of orange juice

    The Coral Pink Sands Margarita
    Served Bambu Bar within the Outrigger Guam Beach Resort
    1.5 oz Don Julio Blanco Tequila
    0.5 oz. Cointreau
    4 oz. Fresh Sweet and Sour
    Fresh Lime ā€œSqueezeā€
    Shake vigoroulsy
    Salt rim of martini glass with himilayan pink sea salt
    Garnish with a lime wheel and red coral tuile

    The Passion Coral
    Served at Castaway Island, Fiji
    30ml White Rum
    15ml Triple Sec
    15ml Passionfruit Nectar
    Dash Passionfruit Purree
    Dash Grenadine


    Outriggerā€™s reef conservation initiative, Outriggerā€™s Zone, is calling attention to the matter of protecting our coral reefs. In fact, Outrigger hotels and resorts participate in coral planting, reef clean ups, ocean education opportunities and much more all year long.

    We've been solid advocates for reef-friendly sunscreen to protect our reefs from coral bleaching, and weā€™ve even planted, preserved and protected more than 100 football fields of coral since the launch of the Outriggerā€™s Zone initiative in 2014!

    Our logos on social media are even coral-colored for the month of June, drawing inspiration from Pantoneā€™s color of 2019, Living Coral.

    Learn more about Outriggerā€™s Zone here, and send us pictures of your cocktails using the hashtag: 



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