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    Kids Club - Castaway Island, Fiji - Outrigger Resorts Back to all stories

    Vacationing is Kids’ Stuff

    As adults, we have a deep-felt need to get away from it all at least once a year; to relax, recharge our batteries, and re-experience the joy that comes from exploring new worlds and cultures. At Castaway Island, Fiji Resort, we know that children relief from everyday stress just as much as their parents, and we created Castaway Kids Club with that in mind.


    The Club is more than a place to have fun and play games. It’s also a fully-realized cultural experience, with opportunities to learn about the Fijian way of life. Every day, for example, we introduce a bit of the local language, and kids proudly show off their new skills when they speak to our staff in Fijian. They also learn traditional Fijian dance as well as how to play indigenous, wooden drums. At night, we hunt for local wildlife by torchlight, illuminating a natural world of lizards, bats, and crabs as well as beautiful shells along the beach.


    In addition, we provide ample time for a myriad of art and craft activities, plus good-spirited competitions that involve spear-throwing, spoon diving, tunnel ball, and boat making (yes, we also play games you’ve heard of, like potato relays, mad hatter, and tug-of-war). We celebrate the end of each day with a torch lighting ceremony, a bonfire, some storytelling, and more games; and then, before the kids know it, it’s time for bed until we meet again -- sota tarlay.


    Needless to say, all this gives parents a chance to enjoy a few worry-free moments of solitude. And it gives your kids a break from you. For you and your children, Castaway Kids Club provides the amenities of discovery and engagement with a new culture that can enrich the life of your entire family. We’re proud to say that every kid who’s a guest at Castaway Island, Fiji is automatically a member in good standing.  

    For more information about Castaway Kids Club, click here.

    Or click here to book your stay at Castaway Island!

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